Sunday, September 30, 2018

I want to be like someone else!

"I have a family, I have friends, I have many things that others would die and kill for. But still. I think I am not good enough. I should have been like someone else. I should have been a bit different.
etc, etc, etc. "

- by (I don't know how many people). 

Well, I would like to ask some questions to these people. Why would you ever want to be like someone else when you can create a whole new brand out of yourself? Why would you think you are not good enough when you are the best at being you? Why would you want to do better than others when you are capable enough to push through your limits every single moment? Why the hell would you look at others and feel bad about everything that makes you who you are?

 Why would you ever want to be like someone else when you can create a whole new brand out of yourself?

Even if you do look at others, you will always have two options. The first one, to look at the other person and feel bad about what they are or what they have achieved. And the second one is to look at them and get motivated, get inspired and learn new things.

There are no certain words that I can use to convince you to not to envy others. But I can surely tell you that doing so will never do any good. There's a saying that Positivity brings success, and believe me, staying positive works like a charm. If you keep your thoughts positive even in the harshest of the circumstances, you would always find something good.

Even if you are not able to find the good, how long would you whine over it? How many times would you laugh at the same joke? Two? Three? Four? Not more than that. Right? So, why would you cry over the same reason again and again? Learn to move on. You would have read this thing earlier, but have you decided to work upon it yet? 

Everyone wants to stay happy. Right? So why not focus on the positive side of our lives and stay happy?


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