Saturday, October 6, 2018

I am better off alone!!!

I've seen people losing their friends. I've seen people losing their family. I've seen people losing what they hold dearest. I've seen people getting hurt.

And after getting hurt, after accepting their loss, these people either start cherishing what they still have with them or start building up a wall around them, with an idea that they are better off alone.

To me, the first kind is nothing to worry about. But, the second kind, the people who start thinking that they are better off alone, well, read on.

What if I give you a glass of your favourite drink. Filled up to the brim. What if half of it fell on the floor? What would you do then? Be thankful that you still have some left in the glass? Or just because you couldn't have a glass full of it, throw the rest on the floor too?

No doubt, it is a childish example. But still, it is enough to point at the wrong many people do to themselves, to their lives.

Building up walls, pushing people away, throwing away what still remains, putting up fake faces and crying in a dark room, alone, is not the solution. It never was and never will be.

If you're such a person, then you should let others help you, let them love you, share your problems. Don't push them away.

No doubt that the idea of suffering, again and again, makes the option of being alone look better. No doubt that it will help in avoiding any future issues. But the fact that it will take away your one and only way of being truly happy cannot be overlooked. 

@Mutisticity Building up walls, pushing people away, throwing away what still remains, putting up fake faces and crying in a dark room, alone, is not the solution. It never was and never will be.

The key thing remains the same. Cherish what still remains, look at the people you still have in your life and trust me, doing this is the solution to all the pain you have suffered, or are suffering.

Enjoy what still remains in the glass. Remember the past but don't let go of the future opportunities. ;) 